

Upcoming Sanctuary Events

Dec 08

Drink From Her Well

Dec 18

2021 Winter Solstice Enactment & Celebration

Dec 18

Full Moon

Jan 05

Drink From Her Well

Jan 07

Dream Weaver’s Circle

Jan 08

Mystery Mirabilis

Jan 12

Soul Salon “Trust-Tea” Party

Jan 14

Voyage to Temple Astraea… Re-Visioning-Alchemy Circle!

Jan 17

Full Moon

Jan 19

Post Transmission Reflection Circle “From the Place of Herons”

Jan 26

Community Luminary Jaiia Earthschild: The Power of Enchantment

Feb 02

Drink From Her Well

Feb 04

Dream Weaver’s Circle

Feb 05

Mystery Mirabilis

Feb 09

Soul Salon “Fluidi-Tea” Party

Feb 11

Voyage to Temple Astraea… Re-Visioning-Alchemy Circle!

Feb 16

Community Luminary Richard Rudd: Gene Keys

Feb 16

Full Moon

Mar 02

Soul Salon “Sensuali-Tea” Party

Mar 04

Dream Weaver’s Circle

Mar 05

Mystery Mirabilis

Mar 09

Drink From Her Well

Mar 11

Voyage to Temple Astraea… Re-Visioning-Alchemy Circle!

Mar 16

Community Luminary Cindy/Itza Edstrom

Mar 18

Full Moon

Mar 20

Spring Equinox 2022 Community Celebration

Mar 23

Post Transmission Reflection Circle “To Be Announced”

Mar 31

New Moon

Apr 01

Dream Weaver’s Circle

Apr 06

Drink From Her Well

Apr 08

Voyage to Temple Astraea… Re-Visioning-Alchemy Circle!

Apr 13

Soul Salon “Eccentrici-Tea” Party

Apr 16

Full Moon

Apr 16

Mystery Mirabilis

Apr 20

Post Transmission Reflection Circle “Priestess of the Beauty Way”

Apr 27

Community Luminary Wade Mccollum

Apr 30

New Moon

May 01

Live Storytelling with Ariel Offering From Gaia’s New Dreamcoat!

May 04

Drink From Her Well

May 06

Dream Weaver’s Circle

May 08

Mystery Mirabilis

May 11

Soul Salon “Diversi-Tea” Party

May 15

Full Moon

May 15

Voyage to Temple Astraea… Re-Visioning-Alchemy Circle!

May 18

Post Transmission Reflection Circle “For a Hybrid Egyptian Scribe-Muse”

May 20

13 Moon Divination Zoom Call

May 25

Community Luminary Rachel Adair Dawson

May 29

Books as Sacrament

May 30

New Moon

Jun 01

Drink From Her Well

Jun 03

Dream Weaver’s Circle

Jun 05

Mystery Mirabilis

Jun 08

Soul Salon “Conviviali-Tea” Party

Jun 12

Voyage to Temple Astraea… Re-Visioning-Alchemy Circle!

Jun 14

Full Moon

Jun 15

Post Transmission Reflection Circle “A Soul’s Remembrance”

Jun 18

Summer Solstice 2022 Community Celebration

Jun 22

Community Luminary Elizabeth Gould

Jun 24

13 Moon Divination Zoom Call

Jun 26

Books as Sacrament

Jul 30
5:00 pm PDT
Zoom Call
Gather ‘Round the Fires of Consciousness to Explore and Share Awareness!!!
Aug 02
12:00 pm PDT
Zoom Call
Besides sending us those dreams which are transpersonal, archetypal and mythic in nature, to uplift and inform the collective, we will offer a virtual Dream Weaver Circle on zoom once a moon to connect and share this wisdom from dreams.
Aug 04
World Event
The new moon offers a chance for introspection, intention-setting, and connecting with your inner life. Clear obstructions, set new intentions, and engage in meditative activities like journaling and art creation for renewal.
Aug 07
12:00 pm PDT
Zoom Call
A monthly live temple to journey to Her Holy Well with Ariel Spilsbury and deepen your connection with the Sacred Feminine. Alchemically honor the sacred element of water and have a potent effect on all waters of Earth.
Aug 13
5:00 pm PDT
Zoom Call
You Are Cordially Invited to the Wedding of Consciousness and Eros! DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR THIRD EYE AN EROGENOUS ZONE? Do you want to raise your ecstasy quotient? If so, join us for our voyage into these Making Love with the Divine transmissions!
Aug 14
12:00 pm PDT
Zoom Call
SPIRITUAL TEA PARTIES.. for us to connect and share hearts, Witness each other, offer and feel supported on our journeys, catalyze and open to new growth rings in ourselves, uplift our frequencies and anchor peace in ourselves and the world.
Aug 15
12:00 pm PDT
Zoom Call
This zoom call offering is an opportunity to connect with each other around a-once-a- moon 13 Moon Oracle Divination/reading that we will draw and interpret together!
Aug 19
World Event
In the fullness and exuberance of this moon phase, the energy is naturally aligned with outward expression like social gatherings, circle ceremonies, parties etc.
Aug 29
12:00 pm PDT
Zoom Call
A non-linear, holographic experience providing unique responses to each inquiry, expanding awareness through impressions like words, colors, images, humor, oracle cards, and book recommendations.

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