


Updated 13 Moon Mystery School banner
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Guiding Principles & Guidelines
for Preparation and Participation in
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Circles
A STRONG REQUEST from Ariel to read these important GUIDELINES for all Sanctuary circles!! PLEASE READ or WATCH VIDEO!
Dear Ones…
There are many circles being offered on line now, all with different intentions. Our primary intention in Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School circles, calls and events is to offer participants an experience of Unity consciousness and unconditional Love. In a culture and time that is so conditional and divisively fractured, we intend to bring people together to explore ways to let go of patterns that divide us, and move into patterns that uplift and unify us in Love.
Many other circles are focused on issues of the ego/mind and communicating from that perspective. The Sanctuary is not offering that kind of circle. It is our intention to focus on accessing our Essence, on the mythic, archetypal and soul directed aspects of Self and to communicate from there. In a culture that adulates being identified with the ego/mind and its endlessly self-reinforcing storyline, these circles offer a very unusual opportunity in consciousness. In order to maintain the frequency of this focus in soul-voice, Essence Self, each person has to take responsibility for their energy, focus and frequency. That is, these are not circles where you can be multi-tasking, answering texts, feeding children AND listening to these offerings. These circles require your FULL attention. So if you have time to offer that, feel free to join us. To honor the sanctity of the container we create, please be prepared to be on time on the call and to stay until we are complete. (To insure that sanctity, no one will be let in after we have begun our opening meditation.)
  Another requirement for participation in these circles is to have practiced, what we call in the Divine Feminine, Empty Presence. That is, we assume that you have cultivated practices that allow you to empty your mind of chatter and thought, to become fully focused in the present moment. If you would like to explore that more deeply, here is a link to a video (under Living Library/13 moon oracle videos) that further elucidates this feminine form of meditation).  
  Also, to participate optimally, you need to understand that these are alchemical circles. Alchemy is a powerful process of transformation that occurs on all levels of being (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). For alchemy to occur requires two basic things, coherence and resonance. Coherence is the difference between the power of a flash lite and a laser beam. Coherence is focused, clear, intentional use of energy. Ariel’s primary spiritual offering is holding a strong, coherent alchemical container. That container is maintained through the participants holding the unified field with an open heart in Empty Presence. These Sanctuary circles operate on the alchemical assumption that since we are all connected as One, that what is done for the one is done for all. We are operating on the assumption and experience on these calls, that we can and do affect the collective mind field of Earth (the Morphogenetic/quantum field), to evoke tangible, alchemical change and transformation for the collective of all life on Earth.  
  Be aware that with our focus on the Essence Self and due to the impact of participation in alchemical circles, both shadow and light will be amplified. That is, due to the alchemy of the Divine Light you experience, you may be deeply inspired as a soul to move in new directions and explore new creative soul gifts. Conversely, the ego, like a little child, always wants your attention and when that doesn’t happen, often what will be revealed are the places where we are still stuck in the ego’s hamster wheel of identification. (ie. unconscious shadow aspects getting activated). If this happens, celebrate. This shows you precisely where your soul work needs to be focused in clearing and healing any perception that appears to be causing shadow reactions! You are a sovereign, fully self-empowered being, hence you are responsible for dealing with whatever shadow arises. Processing shadow is not the purpose or focus of these Sanctuary calls.
Just for clarity, as to recordings of Sanctuary video calls. The Sanctuary is forwarding password protected recordings only to the registrants of each event. These videos cannot be downloaded or embedded anywhere. They are not posted on any social media platform. In other words people can remain free to express themselves, as we don’t use the videos in any other way.
Deep meditation, soul focus (more cultivated meditation ability is helpful):
Drink From Her Well
Revisioning Alchemy
Post Transmission calls
Invocations from the Alchemy of Ecstasy
More ego-heart oriented circles encouraging participation and connection:
Soul Salon
Dream Weaver circles
Community Luminaries
Mystery Mirabilis
In Oneness, your sister Ariel
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School welcomes all forms of support and deeply appreciates financial contributions that allow for ever wider expansion of the Sacred Feminine in this world. If you are moved to support our mission and desire to make a one time donation above your regular moonly giving, or, a one time gift of support, the Sanctuary is overjoyed to receive it. All donations contribute to the longevity and sustainability of the Sanctuary, and makes the offerings of spiritual growth, support and expansion possible for beings across the globe.
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
About Us
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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A Strong Request From Ariel To Read These Important Guidelines For All Sanctuary Circles!! Please Read!


Updated 13 Moon Mystery School banner
View as Webpage
Guiding Principles & Guidelines
for Preparation and Participation in
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School Circles
A STRONG REQUEST from Ariel to read these important GUIDELINES for all Sanctuary circles!! PLEASE READ or WATCH VIDEO!
Dear Ones…
There are many circles being offered on line now, all with different intentions. Our primary intention in Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School circles, calls and events is to offer participants an experience of Unity consciousness and unconditional Love. In a culture and time that is so conditional and divisively fractured, we intend to bring people together to explore ways to let go of patterns that divide us, and move into patterns that uplift and unify us in Love.
Many other circles are focused on issues of the ego/mind and communicating from that perspective. The Sanctuary is not offering that kind of circle. It is our intention to focus on accessing our Essence, on the mythic, archetypal and soul directed aspects of Self and to communicate from there. In a culture that adulates being identified with the ego/mind and its endlessly self-reinforcing storyline, these circles offer a very unusual opportunity in consciousness. In order to maintain the frequency of this focus in soul-voice, Essence Self, each person has to take responsibility for their energy, focus and frequency. That is, these are not circles where you can be multi-tasking, answering texts, feeding children AND listening to these offerings. These circles require your FULL attention. So if you have time to offer that, feel free to join us. To honor the sanctity of the container we create, please be prepared to be on time on the call and to stay until we are complete. (To insure that sanctity, no one will be let in after we have begun our opening meditation.)
  Another requirement for participation in these circles is to have practiced, what we call in the Divine Feminine, Empty Presence. That is, we assume that you have cultivated practices that allow you to empty your mind of chatter and thought, to become fully focused in the present moment. If you would like to explore that more deeply, here is a link to a video (under Living Library/13 moon oracle videos) that further elucidates this feminine form of meditation).  
  Also, to participate optimally, you need to understand that these are alchemical circles. Alchemy is a powerful process of transformation that occurs on all levels of being (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual). For alchemy to occur requires two basic things, coherence and resonance. Coherence is the difference between the power of a flash lite and a laser beam. Coherence is focused, clear, intentional use of energy. Ariel’s primary spiritual offering is holding a strong, coherent alchemical container. That container is maintained through the participants holding the unified field with an open heart in Empty Presence. These Sanctuary circles operate on the alchemical assumption that since we are all connected as One, that what is done for the one is done for all. We are operating on the assumption and experience on these calls, that we can and do affect the collective mind field of Earth (the Morphogenetic/quantum field), to evoke tangible, alchemical change and transformation for the collective of all life on Earth.  
  Be aware that with our focus on the Essence Self and due to the impact of participation in alchemical circles, both shadow and light will be amplified. That is, due to the alchemy of the Divine Light you experience, you may be deeply inspired as a soul to move in new directions and explore new creative soul gifts. Conversely, the ego, like a little child, always wants your attention and when that doesn’t happen, often what will be revealed are the places where we are still stuck in the ego’s hamster wheel of identification. (ie. unconscious shadow aspects getting activated). If this happens, celebrate. This shows you precisely where your soul work needs to be focused in clearing and healing any perception that appears to be causing shadow reactions! You are a sovereign, fully self-empowered being, hence you are responsible for dealing with whatever shadow arises. Processing shadow is not the purpose or focus of these Sanctuary calls.
Just for clarity, as to recordings of Sanctuary video calls. The Sanctuary is forwarding password protected recordings only to the registrants of each event. These videos cannot be downloaded or embedded anywhere. They are not posted on any social media platform. In other words people can remain free to express themselves, as we don’t use the videos in any other way.
Deep meditation, soul focus (more cultivated meditation ability is helpful):
Drink From Her Well
Revisioning Alchemy
Post Transmission calls
Invocations from the Alchemy of Ecstasy
More ego-heart oriented circles encouraging participation and connection:
Soul Salon
Dream Weaver circles
Community Luminaries
Mystery Mirabilis
In Oneness, your sister Ariel
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School welcomes all forms of support and deeply appreciates financial contributions that allow for ever wider expansion of the Sacred Feminine in this world. If you are moved to support our mission and desire to make a one time donation above your regular moonly giving, or, a one time gift of support, the Sanctuary is overjoyed to receive it. All donations contribute to the longevity and sustainability of the Sanctuary, and makes the offerings of spiritual growth, support and expansion possible for beings across the globe.
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
About Us
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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