


Updated 13 Moon Mystery School banner
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Our beloved Priestess Sister, Terra Christoff, transitioned on October 5, 2022 following a very rapid progression of cancer. Terra was a deeply committed pioneer in bringing the Sacred Feminine lens to business and she shared her gifts internationally in supporting women to bring the Feminine to their leadership, trusting in Her cycles and rhythms. A member of the Priestess Presence community, Terra lived and breathed her path as Priestess, even changing the spelling of her name to reflect her connection with Mama Gaia. She embodied her own sense of power with a quiet strength that will live on as she has inspired us all to trust in the lensing we know to be True. Terra, you will be missed and at the same time, held eternally in our hearts!!
In Devotion to Love Eternal!
Delphine and the Sanctuary of the Open Heart
If you want to continuing assisting her through the transition bardos for the traditional 40 days after her death, consider using the Phowa practice listed below for that process.
Simplified Tibetan Phowa Practice
1. Invoke and Visualize in the sky above the dying or deceased person, the embodiment of whatever truth you believe in, in the form of radiant light. Choose whatever divine being or saint you feel close to. Simply fill your heart with that presence and Trust that it is there.
    If you don’t feel linked with any particular spiritual figure, imagine a form of pure golden light in the sky before them.
2. Imagine that the presence of light sends out love and compassion in a stream of rays of light from his/her own heart.
    As these touch and penetrate the dying/deceased person, they cleanse and purify their negative karma, destructive emotions, and obscurations, which are the causes of suffering. You see and feel that they are totally immersed in light.
3. Imagine the dying/deceased person now completely purified by the light streaming from the presence. Now See them Dissolve Completely into Light and soar up into the sky and merge, with the blissful presence of light.
4. Do this as often as possible when you think of this person.
The Sanctuary of the Open Heart welcomes all forms of support and deeply appreciates financial contributions that allow for ever wider expansion of the Sacred Feminine in this world. If you are moved to support our mission and desire to make a one time donation above your regular moonly giving, or, a one time gift of support, the Sanctuary is overjoyed to receive it. All donations contribute to the longevity and sustainability of the Sanctuary, and makes the offerings of spiritual growth, support and expansion possible for beings across the globe.
We invite you to become a part of the circuit of unconditional Love that naturally and continually circulates as we fully step into its golden current. The Sanctuary of the Open Heart is a place where you will find heart community with whom you can thrive in that Love. We welcome you to join us as a sustaining member of the Sanctuary to share, connect and flourish in the passionate, peaceful, joy-filled world that we create together!
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
About Us
The Sanctuary of the Open Heart, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission: We are a Sanctuary that nurtures the illumination of consciousness through honoring the re-balancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, celebrating the beauty and sanctity of the natural world and the embodiment of our Essential Selves, through the Wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine. 
We are planetary midwives celebrating Unity Consciousness. Joyously following our sovereign paths, we join in unified service to Love and heart-centered awareness.
We delight in focusing on the mythic, archetypal, and soul-directed dimensions of being. We hold sacred Temple space where creativity, connectedness and cooperation vibrantly flourish. We envision stewarding physical Temples in devotion to Love. With all sentient life, we rise in Love, in peace, for nature and each other.
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A Tribute To Our Beloved Terra Christoff In Her Recent Transitioning From This World!


Updated 13 Moon Mystery School banner
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Our beloved Priestess Sister, Terra Christoff, transitioned on October 5, 2022 following a very rapid progression of cancer. Terra was a deeply committed pioneer in bringing the Sacred Feminine lens to business and she shared her gifts internationally in supporting women to bring the Feminine to their leadership, trusting in Her cycles and rhythms. A member of the Priestess Presence community, Terra lived and breathed her path as Priestess, even changing the spelling of her name to reflect her connection with Mama Gaia. She embodied her own sense of power with a quiet strength that will live on as she has inspired us all to trust in the lensing we know to be True. Terra, you will be missed and at the same time, held eternally in our hearts!!
In Devotion to Love Eternal!
Delphine and the Sanctuary of the Open Heart
If you want to continuing assisting her through the transition bardos for the traditional 40 days after her death, consider using the Phowa practice listed below for that process.
Simplified Tibetan Phowa Practice
1. Invoke and Visualize in the sky above the dying or deceased person, the embodiment of whatever truth you believe in, in the form of radiant light. Choose whatever divine being or saint you feel close to. Simply fill your heart with that presence and Trust that it is there.
    If you don’t feel linked with any particular spiritual figure, imagine a form of pure golden light in the sky before them.
2. Imagine that the presence of light sends out love and compassion in a stream of rays of light from his/her own heart.
    As these touch and penetrate the dying/deceased person, they cleanse and purify their negative karma, destructive emotions, and obscurations, which are the causes of suffering. You see and feel that they are totally immersed in light.
3. Imagine the dying/deceased person now completely purified by the light streaming from the presence. Now See them Dissolve Completely into Light and soar up into the sky and merge, with the blissful presence of light.
4. Do this as often as possible when you think of this person.
The Sanctuary of the Open Heart welcomes all forms of support and deeply appreciates financial contributions that allow for ever wider expansion of the Sacred Feminine in this world. If you are moved to support our mission and desire to make a one time donation above your regular moonly giving, or, a one time gift of support, the Sanctuary is overjoyed to receive it. All donations contribute to the longevity and sustainability of the Sanctuary, and makes the offerings of spiritual growth, support and expansion possible for beings across the globe.
We invite you to become a part of the circuit of unconditional Love that naturally and continually circulates as we fully step into its golden current. The Sanctuary of the Open Heart is a place where you will find heart community with whom you can thrive in that Love. We welcome you to join us as a sustaining member of the Sanctuary to share, connect and flourish in the passionate, peaceful, joy-filled world that we create together!
Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
About Us
The Sanctuary of the Open Heart, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission: We are a Sanctuary that nurtures the illumination of consciousness through honoring the re-balancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, celebrating the beauty and sanctity of the natural world and the embodiment of our Essential Selves, through the Wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine. 
We are planetary midwives celebrating Unity Consciousness. Joyously following our sovereign paths, we join in unified service to Love and heart-centered awareness.
We delight in focusing on the mythic, archetypal, and soul-directed dimensions of being. We hold sacred Temple space where creativity, connectedness and cooperation vibrantly flourish. We envision stewarding physical Temples in devotion to Love. With all sentient life, we rise in Love, in peace, for nature and each other.
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