Dear Ones..
We started out looking into the Japanese Zen koan question:
”If you blot out sense and sound, what do you hear?”
We then shared our answers to that question.. essentially we opened to hearing each of our experience with navigating dimensionally to enter the Nada… the soundless sound current.. the sound that is left when sense an sound are taken away.. the primeval rushing, roaring sound of the vibration of creation. It was interesting to hear the variety of experiences in reaching this state of being in meditation.
We also investigated one of the scientific postulations that electrons are actually miniature black holes and as such that they are a perfect container for memory, as scientists can’t actually “locate” where memory is held exactly… which would make sense if memory is as postulated, ubiquitously distributed throughout our bodies and the Universe in the form of electrons!
We looked at the musical overlay.. that all things are simply vibration registered at different frequencies. We spoke of technologies such as Damanhaur’s tiny receiver that allows one to hear the sound/vibration of an orchid for example. The study of sound as a spiritual practice is endless whether it is chanting mantra or entering the Nada. I highly recommend if you are interested in the spiritual aspects of sound that you get this book to read yourself!!
In Oneness.. ariel