Certainty is like clutching what you know inside your fist
like there’s no room to question what might loom just beyond your wrist
It’s the comfort of right angles, the ease of solid lines
it’s the emptiness of a lonely box and the space that it defines.
There were times in school when I had fun with the exactness of the game
thinking I would know a flower once I could say its Latin name.
Like names and addresses, dates of birth could readily explain
why some people crave the sun while others love the rain
Holding the mystery
Step into the river and feel eternity
As the sun will rise and the rain will fall,
may I begin each day with gratitude and awe.
If I could define
in this vast design what was possible or real
I’d never see the desert turn to water or the ocean turn to steel
But I’ve seen those wonders many times and each time I recall
the wonder, the wonder, the wonder of it all.
Holding the mystery
Step into the river and feel eternity
As the sun will rise and the rain will fall,
may I begin each day in gratitude and awe.
Inside every one of us
contained in each square inch of blood there are 75 billion cells
75 billion cells contained within every single square inch of blood
functioning on our behalf so that we might simply be?.
I think of that as a conspiracy, a conspiracy of life.
And since I’m being a bit reflective I’d like to add to this human
life perspective:
If we took every cell phone on the planet
every telephone line on the globe and registered
the conversations conveyed,
the trillions of messages relayed
the entire system would still not approximate the complexity or
functionality of a single
human brain?
It’s just another way of trying to explain the miraculous
privilege we have of playing this human game.
Holding the mystery
Step into the river and feel eternity
As the sun will rise and the rain will fall,
may I begin each day in gratitude and awe.