

Next Community Luminary Up: Donalea Patman, Animal Activist, Compassionate Heart, Initiate Of Consciousness! Jul 21


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Dear Ones..
Imagine you are in the deep desert of the Australian outback, having walked for miles in the heat, taken there by aboriginal guides with camels carrying your equipment.Upon encampment.. at night, a camel has been badly injured, having been caught up in its ropes. Somehow you wake up to this in overwhelming grief, sobbing inconsolably due to questioning your narcissistic, self-absorbed tendencies for spiritual awakening (having let the camels carry all your things into the desert, who were now suffering for it)…..You recognize that your very being there had put this camel at risk. 
  At this point Donalea sits upright in her mosquito dome, wondering why nobody can hear her sobbing and check in on her. She looks out into the dark night of the bush, whereupon etheric aboriginal beings start walking out of the bush toward her…. and so begins a mysterious and transcendent initiation in consciousness… Join us to go where this adventure leads, with our guide, Donalea!
Donalea Patman is fierce in the protection of wildlife, whose tender, compassionate heart relentlessly drives her to find solutions to pressing problems with the suffering of animals on the planet. She came to setting up a foundation called For the Love of Wildlife to bring attention to finding solutions to the suffering she witnessed.
In this passion to serve animal rights she has literally risked her life with “the powers that be” to make urgently needed changes. Her mission to protect animals, has taken her around the globe from the Australian outback to parliaments, political arenas in many countries, to African wilderness, not to stalk animals for photographs but rather to learn from them, to merge with their consciousness to garner their wisdom and preserve their living legacy of beauty. Let’s use this time in Community Luminaries, to become more informed about what we can do to support the transformations that are now direly needed in relationship to our animal friends and co-inhabitors of the Earth!
Join us for this adventure July 21st Noon Pacific
This event is offered through Heart donations!
The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School welcomes all forms of support and deeply appreciates financial contributions that allow for ever wider expansion of the Sacred Feminine in this world. If you are moved to support our mission and desire to make a one time donation above your regular moonly giving, or, a one time gift of support, the Sanctuary is overjoyed to receive it. All donations contribute to the longevity and sustainability of the Sanctuary, and makes the offerings of spiritual growth, support and expansion possible for beings across the globe.
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Community Luminaries “Donalea Patman”
Time: Wednesday, July 21st, 2021 at 12pm pacific time
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May you be true to your own nature and instinct. May you be blessed with the strength and commitment to fulfill your heart’s aims…
Interested in becoming a member? Joining the Community of the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School means activating your desires for wholeness in this particular expression of the Divine Feminine and becoming a Chalice Holder. We believe there is nothing to give and nothing to take, that all is in abundance and here for the One. Please join us!
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Celebrating your Unconditionally Loving Nature, 
Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School
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The Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to strengthen and expand our global community of like-hearted beings dedicated to the wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine, so that we may revel and awaken in each others’ presence and that we may build a Sanctuary devoted to the awakening of humanity.
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