${passThrough(‘[#if Contact.firstName?? && Contact.firstName?trim != “” ]Dearest ${Contact.firstName},[#else]Greetings![/#if]’)}
Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 12:00PM PST
On full moon I am offering a zoom call for “Post Transmission Reflections” which will be an opportunity for us to connect and share around whatever the theme was in the full moon transmission in the Sanctuary newsletter. This is an open forum to share our reflections, our wisdom, our art, poetry, our inquiries.. ..whatever your response is to the inquiry in the Transmission for that moon. We are shaping this new offering ourselves, so we will see what the collective of who is inspired to come participate, wants to bring into form and feel supported by in our spiritual journeys.
I look forward to being with you! Come play in the effluvium of Love!
In Devotion.. your sister ariel
An email invitation will be sent out for each of the Post Transmission Reflection Circles!