

Request For Ceremonial Priest/ess

Request For Ceremonial Priest/ess

Ceremonial Priestess Services for the Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School:

Purity of Intent

All requests for ceremonial work are filtered through a “clearing house” as to what requests are holding the Goddess in deepest respect, honoring and innocence.

As was the case in the Temples of Aesclepios in Greece, beings would send in ceremonial requests for various situations that utilized the attention of a Priestess to support and empower their own process. In this modern world, that request will come in, in the form of a ceremonial request by email on the website  HERE. Then the request will be given to the appropriate Priest or Priestess or circle of Priest/ess’ to offer their energetic gift on behalf of the person making the request.  When the offering is completed, the person is notified and as they feel moved in sacred reciprocity, to contribute to honor the energetic work that has been done, to offer their gratitude and appreciation in the form of a donation. Below is the information for the purpose of receiving that offering.

All offerings are non-physical, that is, etheric, telepathic, energetic offerings as was the case in many Goddess temples throughout time. These offerings are made in the temple for “in absentia” ceremonial requests  in the form of Sacred  Temple dance, song,  poetry, chanting, mudra, conscious dreaming etc. that is received by at least one other live recipient as a Witness for the Goddess ..(Where two or more are gathered, there Shakti pours forth in the name of alchemical transmutation., healing, wholing etc.)

Ceremonial requests are offered  by a Priest or Priestess for: healing, evolution, release, witnessing, transitioning after death, transformation of stuck patterns, proxy anointing, holding during birth, empowerment of gifts, blessing of projects, relationships, homes, buildings, connecting the dots etc. (These ceremonies can be tailored to personal request.)

Please contact us to Request Ceremonial Priest/ess Services.

13 Moon™ Mystery School / Sanctuary of the 13 Moon Mystery School

340 S Lemon Ave #8133

Walnut, CA 91789


Phone: 415- 578-0458