

Goddess of Love

Carly Reynolds

Welcome Beauty, to the Temple of the Goddess of Love.

Put on your rose colored glasses.
Follow me into the garden of abundance with your wide open heart.
Here, I invite you to see the beauty in everything and everyone. To smell the holiness of the moment. To taste the fruit, bitter or sweet, and allow your response to rise…knowing that it, too, is sacred.
Hear your heart song as it harmonizes with all other beings’s songs.
Feel the pulse of the One Heart
Enter my Temple, and dance with me!

Temple keeper for the Goddess of Love, I create Beauty. That is my quintessential–my quintess-sensual!–offering. Archetypal headdress, altars, anointing oils, ritual bathing, simple meals and always, deep connection: I adore the making of a beautiful-magical life and delight in helping others do the same.
I am devoted to creating sacred space within as well as without.
I hold the vision of a world built upon the altars of our hearts.

Goddess of Love

Carly Reynolds

Welcome Beauty, to the Temple of the Goddess of Love.

Put on your rose colored glasses.
Follow me into the garden of abundance with your wide open heart.
Here, I invite you to see the beauty in everything and everyone. To smell the holiness of the moment. To taste the fruit, bitter or sweet, and allow your response to rise…knowing that it, too, is sacred.
Hear your heart song as it harmonizes with all other beings’s songs.
Feel the pulse of the One Heart
Enter my Temple, and dance with me!

Temple keeper for the Goddess of Love, I create Beauty. That is my quintessential–my quintess-sensual!–offering. Archetypal headdress, altars, anointing oils, ritual bathing, simple meals and always, deep connection: I adore the making of a beautiful-magical life and delight in helping others do the same.
I am devoted to creating sacred space within as well as without.
I hold the vision of a world built upon the altars of our hearts.

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