

The Wise Woman

Ariel Spilsbury

Like Zarathustra, I was born laughing! My archetypal origins and focus in this lifetime were obvious from the start. That is, the archetype of the Wise Woman has two strong vectors: deep heart-knowing and humor as a gift of awakening.

That pretty much sums up my life, which has been devoted to the Great Awakening, (in myself and all humanity), to the truth that the knowing of the heart makes it obvious that Love is the Only Reality worth paying attention to here!

It has been mine to be a living archetypal embodiment of the truth that living a spiritual life is about being a joyous, playful, ecstatic expression of Divine Love. My gift of sound healing as a crystal singer, setting up a Divine Fool’s School to assist others in remembering how to play in a fun and divine way, being a scribe for the Divine Mother in the form of several books, all were innate expressions of this archetype.

My birthing the 13 Moon Mystery School and The Sanctuary of the Open Heart were expressions of my accessing the largest possible overview pattern, which the Wise Woman does naturally. My innate ability to actually see beings beyond ego/personality in their innate Essence led to the expression of my most powerful gift in this lifetime as a truth teller. This gift has taken shape in myself as the Wise Woman through often pointing out that truth by coming in the “back door” with humor and sharing my ability to playfully connect the holographic dots that may still be unseen by ego yet longed for by Essence. My innate seeing beyond the black and white of duality through the eyes of Unity Consciousness, gave me great compassion and clarity to assist others in their journeys. Overview pattern recognition showed itself as my passion for myth, Sacred Geometry, Alchemy and quantum physics.

Along the way of this unfoldment of deep listening to the Earth and Stars, I came to be a scribe for the Divine Mother, to assist in the paradigm shift we are now going through in the rebalancing of the Divine Feminine on Earth. The first took the form of The Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars. Then, when the star Maya’s were complete with my scribing that, I was called to scribe The Alchemy of Ecstasy: An Initiates Guide to the Goddess’ Mysteries which was then distilled into an oracular “Temple in a box” called The 13 Moon Oracle: Holographic Meditations on the Mystery and further distilled into the mini version called: The 13 Moon Oracle: Finding Guidance from Within. And finally our Mother Gaia moved a work through me called Gaia’s New DreamCoat: A Faerie Guide to Gaia’s Greening.

And along the way during these years where all this was written, Heather Reynolds and I founded the infra-structure of the Sanctuary of the Open Heart and the 13 Moon Mystery School to train and assist the remembrance of Priest/ess’ of their unique archetypal gifts and mythic offerings. They were trained as Priest/ess’ who know how to create and maintain a coherent ceremonial context and resonant field wherein profound and rapid transformation occurs naturally through directly interfacing with the potency of archetypal energies.

The Wise Woman

Ariel Spilsbury

Like Zarathustra, I was born laughing! My archetypal origins and focus in this lifetime were obvious from the start. That is, the archetype of the Wise Woman has two strong vectors: deep heart-knowing and humor as a gift of awakening.

That pretty much sums up my life, which has been devoted to the Great Awakening, (in myself and all humanity), to the truth that the knowing of the heart makes it obvious that Love is the Only Reality worth paying attention to here!

It has been mine to be a living archetypal embodiment of the truth that living a spiritual life is about being a joyous, playful, ecstatic expression of Divine Love. My gift of sound healing as a crystal singer, setting up a Divine Fool’s School to assist others in remembering how to play in a fun and divine way, being a scribe for the Divine Mother in the form of several books, all were innate expressions of this archetype.

My birthing the 13 Moon Mystery School and The Sanctuary of the Open Heart were expressions of my accessing the largest possible overview pattern, which the Wise Woman does naturally. My innate ability to actually see beings beyond ego/personality in their innate Essence led to the expression of my most powerful gift in this lifetime as a truth teller. This gift has taken shape in myself as the Wise Woman through often pointing out that truth by coming in the “back door” with humor and sharing my ability to playfully connect the holographic dots that may still be unseen by ego yet longed for by Essence. My innate seeing beyond the black and white of duality through the eyes of Unity Consciousness, gave me great compassion and clarity to assist others in their journeys. Overview pattern recognition showed itself as my passion for myth, Sacred Geometry, Alchemy and quantum physics.

Along the way of this unfoldment of deep listening to the Earth and Stars, I came to be a scribe for the Divine Mother, to assist in the paradigm shift we are now going through in the rebalancing of the Divine Feminine on Earth. The first took the form of The Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars. Then, when the star Maya’s were complete with my scribing that, I was called to scribe The Alchemy of Ecstasy: An Initiates Guide to the Goddess’ Mysteries which was then distilled into an oracular “Temple in a box” called The 13 Moon Oracle: Holographic Meditations on the Mystery and further distilled into the mini version called: The 13 Moon Oracle: Finding Guidance from Within. And finally our Mother Gaia moved a work through me called Gaia’s New DreamCoat: A Faerie Guide to Gaia’s Greening.

And along the way during these years where all this was written, Heather Reynolds and I founded the infra-structure of the Sanctuary of the Open Heart and the 13 Moon Mystery School to train and assist the remembrance of Priest/ess’ of their unique archetypal gifts and mythic offerings. They were trained as Priest/ess’ who know how to create and maintain a coherent ceremonial context and resonant field wherein profound and rapid transformation occurs naturally through directly interfacing with the potency of archetypal energies.