13 Moon Mystery School
Video Library

The Sanctuary's archives contain a large library of video content, and this section is as yet still very incomplete.
There are more added every day as we make our way through the immense materials in the Sanctuary vault.
Video Categories:
13 Moon MudrasExplore the archetypal mudra poses of the 13 Moon Oracle14 videos
Color FrequenciesIndividual frequencies specifically at work in your evolution13 videos
Common QuestionsAriel Spilsbury covers the basics of consciousness expansion9 videos
Ecstatic DiscoveryAn ecstatic arena of joyful consciousness evolution11 videos
Interviews and TalksRecordings of conversations with Ariel Spilsbury2 videos
Mythic EnactmentMythic theater recordings from live Sanctuary events1 videos
Mythic Lineage TransmissionsPoetic transmissions scribed for personal initiations37 videos
Post-Transmission Reflection CirclesInsights and the gnosis arising from the Full Moon wisdom of the Goddess37 videos
Sacred GeometriesShapes evoking the divine forces of creation13 videos
TransmissionsFrequencies of energetic information for aligned individuals43 videos
Using the 13 Moon OracleHints for deepening through ceremony and the oracle27 videos
Recently Added:

Winter Solstice 2023 Mythical Enactment

Advanced Sacred Geometry Course Teaser

Advanced Inter-dimensional Sound Course Teaser

13 Moon Oracle Course Teaser

What is the Order of the Blue Rose?

The Mythic Call

Announcing our revamped website!

The Vision – Build Her Temple

Mythic Lineage Transmissions Introduction


September Post-Transmission Reflection Circle

The Gift of Shadow

How to Create a 13 Moon Mandala-Board-Mat Oracle Reading

Goddess of Compassion

Calling All The Pieces Home

Empty Presence

What is it to be a Diviner? What is Divination?

Great Mother

Asclepian Dream Priestess

Introduction: Scribed Transmissions

Accessing the Transpersonal Witness

Introduction Sacred Geometries

What Is A Mythic Lineage?

13 Moon Mystery School – How to Deepen with Anointing + Scent – Diana DuBrow

Goddess of Love

We Bow to You

Finding Ways to Enjoy the Egyptian Curse: May You Be Born in an Interesting Time

What Is Ceremony?

Creating Sacred Space + Altars

Lady of Communion

I Surrender in Gratitude

Ariel’s Post-Transmission Reflection Circle

What Are Archetypes?

Creating Ceremony from the Quality + Elements Page (Menu)

Creator Destroyer

The Day Mary Magdalene Became the 13th Apostle

Holofractal Paradigm of Feminine Values

Creating in Alignment with the Phases of the Moon

For All Merikabah Mystics

Everything is Dreaming Transmission

What’s Resonance, What’s Coherence?

How to Deepen with Symbol + Metaphor

Wise Woman

Owl Priestess

Speaking the Language of Yes

What is the Purpose of the Alchemy of Ecstasy?


January’s Post-Transmission Circe

How to Deepen with the Moonmat
