

The Initiator

Greyson Kirby

As Initiator, I stand before you holding the Sword of Clarity, in order that you may prune away all that stands in the way of You walking in the world Soul-First.

As a Temple Keeper, I AM deeply committed to the path of personal alchemy, that through my willingness to face all of my own initiations, I may be able to hold the sword with integrity for others. I AM here to tell the Truth, all the way, all the time. I trust that the words spoken to the soul from an open heart of love, catalyze and activate the very fibers of an Initiate’s being. As I release the need for the approval of others, I encourage all beings to stand in their own self-empowerment, trusting their sovereignty to guide their actions.

I AM the gate of Challenge, through which You can see the great Opportunity for Quantum Leaps of Transformation held in my Presence.

I believe our Souls speak through symbol and synchronicity. My own initiation into the Divine Feminine came the moment I became aware that I couldn’t fix my broken relationships, that I could no longer believe the illusion that I could blame someone else for my lack of fulfillment, constant unease and underlying feeling of restlessness. The challenge gate of the Initiator opened up for me as She illuminated the Mother Wound within me through the outpicturing of my relationship with my biological mother. Though I couldn’t have known it then, as I called out in surrender to the Divine Mother, She began to show up in unmistakable synchronicities in my life that led me to the 13 Moon Mystery School. After seven years of deep healing and remembrance of this lineage, I now serve as co-focalizer alongside my beloved sister and mentor Sarah Uma.

I am deepening in my capacity to create ceremonial space, channel divine wisdom through mythic storytelling and hold a clear mirror through emptiness for others to activate their own remembrance. It is my honor to serve as scent priestess initiated in the sacred art of anointing with Jade Lotus as I explore creating unique oil blends for your journey through this process. I also offer custom watercolor Soul Charts for individuals incorporating symbols, archetypes and color frequencies based on astrological natal charts.

The Initiator

Greyson Kirby

As Initiator, I stand before you holding the Sword of Clarity, in order that you may prune away all that stands in the way of You walking in the world Soul-First.

As a Temple Keeper, I AM deeply committed to the path of personal alchemy, that through my willingness to face all of my own initiations, I may be able to hold the sword with integrity for others. I AM here to tell the Truth, all the way, all the time. I trust that the words spoken to the soul from an open heart of love, catalyze and activate the very fibers of an Initiate’s being. As I release the need for the approval of others, I encourage all beings to stand in their own self-empowerment, trusting their sovereignty to guide their actions.

I AM the gate of Challenge, through which You can see the great Opportunity for Quantum Leaps of Transformation held in my Presence.

I believe our Souls speak through symbol and synchronicity. My own initiation into the Divine Feminine came the moment I became aware that I couldn’t fix my broken relationships, that I could no longer believe the illusion that I could blame someone else for my lack of fulfillment, constant unease and underlying feeling of restlessness. The challenge gate of the Initiator opened up for me as She illuminated the Mother Wound within me through the outpicturing of my relationship with my biological mother. Though I couldn’t have known it then, as I called out in surrender to the Divine Mother, She began to show up in unmistakable synchronicities in my life that led me to the 13 Moon Mystery School. After seven years of deep healing and remembrance of this lineage, I now serve as co-focalizer alongside my beloved sister and mentor Sarah Uma.

I am deepening in my capacity to create ceremonial space, channel divine wisdom through mythic storytelling and hold a clear mirror through emptiness for others to activate their own remembrance. It is my honor to serve as scent priestess initiated in the sacred art of anointing with Jade Lotus as I explore creating unique oil blends for your journey through this process. I also offer custom watercolor Soul Charts for individuals incorporating symbols, archetypes and color frequencies based on astrological natal charts.