


Mythic Enactment

Winter Solstice 2022 | Baba Yaga

“I am the Challenger, that asks you to face your worst fear. You call me the Hag, you see me as the ugly, wizened, crotchety old one.. and turn away from me in horror. Stupid move folks, to buy the exterior appearance of anything, let alone the Hag! Get over it. Hag originally meant Holy Woman or Moon Priestess for goddess sake!”

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About the Sanctuary:

The Sanctuary of the Open Heart, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

We are a Sanctuary that nurtures the illumination of consciousness through honoring the re-balancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, celebrating the beauty and sanctity of the natural world and the embodiment of our Essential Selves, through the Wisdom teachings of the Divine Feminine.

We are planetary midwives celebrating Unity Consciousness. Joyously following our sovereign paths, we join in unified service to unconditional Love and heart-centered awareness.

We delight in focusing on the mythic, archetypal, and soul-directed dimensions of being. We hold sacred Temple space where creativity, connectedness and cooperation vibrantly flourish. We envision stewarding physical Temples in devotion to Love. With all sentient life, we rise in Love, in peace, for nature and each other.